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Winchester Calendars

Information for Participating in Hearing by Telephone if Permission Granted by Presiding Judge


Hearings Set
The following are dockets for some of the matters already set. A complete docket is placed on this website five days before the scheduled hearing date and is not updated afterward to indicate added or deleted matters.

Available Hearings
The following are the court's presently scheduled hearing dates and times. Absent permission from the court, you must use these dates and times if you need to set a hearing as required by E.D. Tenn. LBR 9013-1(f). All hearings should be set in the Second Floor Courtroom, United States Bankruptcy Court, 200 South Jefferson Street, Winchester, Tennessee 37398.

QUESTIONS: Contact Judge Whittenburg's Courtroom Deputy, Sheri Lowe, at (423) 752-5260.

ADVERSARY PROCEEDINGS: A motion filed in an adversary proceeding that requires a hearing will be scheduled by chambers, and the court will issue an order setting the hearing.

CONTESTED MATTERS: Contested matters should be noticed for the time indicated below using the form of notices required by E.D. Tenn. LBR 9013-1(f).

Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13 hearings through June 30, 2025
9:00 a.m. (Central)—Chapter 13 trustee's motions to dismiss
9:30 a.m. (Central)—All other matters
Available Dates
10-21-2024 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
12-23-2024 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
01-21-2025 (Tuesday) (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
02-18-2025 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
03-17-2025 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
04-21-2025 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
05-19-2025 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)
06-23-2025 (Emergency hearings only with permission of presiding judge)